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Kelowna, British Columbia, Commercial Foggy Window Seal Repair

Fixing foggy windows in Kelowna British Columbia is quick, affordable, and unobtrusive to most commercial establishments. The process is exactly the same as home window repair. We simply remove the window moisture through two or more small inconspicuous holes drilled through the outside window pane. We begin by washing between the window panes to remove unsightly deposits or stains. We then rinse with a solution to assist in the drying process. A broken window seal in the bottom spacer bar is the area where most of the moisture usually enters a foggy thermal window pane. A spacer bar desiccant sealer is injected to cover the bottom spacer bar as a window seal repair. And finally, installing vents into the holes drilled through the outside window pane for continued ventilation.

This will allow the commercial window to dry out and regain its original R-Value!

Removing condensation in windows is the most often requested commercial window repair